Presentation of projects (session 1)

Presentation by the authors of the some the projects from the exhibition Design for life. Sessions will be presented and co-ordinated by the exhibition's curator Òscar Guayabero .
Projects designed to educate:
The Magic Hand. Griselda Tubau and Ferran Tubau
Books compatible for seeing and seeing-impaired children.
Crayon Creatures. Bernat Cuní
3D printing of objects inspired by children's drawings
Buildasound. Mònica Rikic
Interactive musical construction game
Projects design to connect:
Alternative internet network connection . Daniel Julià
Aplication to inquire about and report incidents in train service.
Smart Citizen . Tomas Díez
Platform to take atmospheric data from the city and share it.
Rosespèdia. Rosa Llop
Paricipative wiki about the heritage and history of Roses.
Dimarts, 24 de febrer a les 18 h
Museu del Disseny de Barcelona. Sala A
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