Who we are

The Design Museum-DHub’s Design Library and Archive is a space for consultation and specialized research in decorative arts and design (graphic, industrial, textile, space, fashion and services). It aims to collect and preserve information and documentation related to these subjects, disseminate it and to put it at the service of professionals and researchers with the aim of providing support for the study, research, creation, innovation processes and specialized criticism.
It is open to the specialized public: researchers, professionals and design students.
The documentary collection comes from the old museum libraries of Decorative Arts, the Museum of Ceramics, Textiles and Clothing Museum and the Cabinet of Graphic Arts in Barcelona. Other institutions that have integrated their libraries and archives in this center are the BCD (Barcelona Design Centre), the FAD (Fostering Arts and Design), ADG-FAD (Association of Art Directors and Graphic Designers FAD), ADI-FAD (Association of Industrial Designers of FAD), the Association for the Study of the furniture, the Association of Advertising and Public Relations of Catalonia and the area of Urban Habitat Barcelona City Council. To this must be added the many donations from libraries and archives from companies and design professionals around us.
There are more than 30,000 books (published between the sixteenth century and the present), more than 3,000 journals and other materials such as trade catalogs, auction catalogs, color guides, trendbooks, old photographs, fashion etchings and more than 100 archive fonds from institutions, businesses and professionals.