Frequently Asked Questions
What are Design Library and Archive opening hours?
The opening times of the Design Library and Archive of the Museu del Disseny de Barcelona are Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 am to 8 pm and Thursday from 3 pm to 8 pm. August closed.
Where can I make requests?
You can contact the Design Library and Archive:
- In Person: Museu del Disseny de Barcelona. Pl. de les Glòries, 37-38 (Floor -1)
- By telephone: +34 93 256 68 30
- By email:
Do I need a User Card to visit the Design Library and Archive?
No. You only need your User Card to borrow items from the library, to make interlibrary loans and to consult the trend books.
How do I get a User Card?
To obtain the card you have to come to the Design Library and Archive during opening hours, fill out a registration form and present your DNI, passaport, carta de residència o equivalent DNI, passport, NIE or equivalent. The card is free of charge.
Can I borrow documents?
With your User Card, the Design Library and Archive allows you borrow up to 7 documents at a time.
How long can I borrow a document?
You may borrow a document for 28 days. The documents can be renewable 2 times.
Before the deadline, you can renew your documents again if the documents have not been reserved by another user.
How can I renew my documents?
You can request the renewal in your personal space, in person at the information desk and by telephone at +34 93 256 68 30.
Where can I return my documents?
You can return the documents you have borrowed during our opening hours and you also can return them at the drop boxes when the Design Library and Archive is closed. Find one of the drop box at the Floor -1 (Monday 3:30-8 pm; Tuesdays to Fridays from 10 am-8 pm.), and the other one at the entrance of the building, access Plaça de les Glories (24 hours/7 days a week).