XVI Technical meeting of Conservation-Restoration
The professional association of Conservadors-Restauradors Associats de Catalunya (CRAC) announces the XVI Technical meeting of Conservation-Restoration at the Barcelona Design Museum (12th and 13th November 2020).
Documentation in conservation-restoration is an especially complex subject that has to provoke constant reflection and discussion in all the debates related to the preservation of heritage. Although it is present in the ethical code of l'ICOM (1986) and in the ECCO code of the conservator-restorer (2003), consideration is needed on the requirement and obligation of documentation as a measure of conservation, and a vital tool for a diagnosis, to propose treatment and follow-up.
Professionals will be able to present oral communications or posters in a session dedicated to them. People interested in participating should send a summary of up to 500 words following the form of the model attached (in Word format) to this address: reuniotecnica@cracpatrimoni.com.
The abstracts and contributions that are selected will be assessed by expert members of the scientific committee.
The presentations will be arranged in three blocks:
• New technologies applied to documentation of cultural assets for conservation-restoration.
• Management of documentation (databases, normalization, terminology, accessibility, digitalization, dissemination, etc.).
• Documentation as a basis for decisions (historical documentation, scientific examinations, monitoring, risk assessment, etc.).
September 30, 2019: final date for accepting abstracts.
November 20, 2019: selection of papers and informing authors.
February 15, 2020: delivery of manuscripts.
February – May, 2020: revision by the scientific committee.
Barcelona Design Museum