Do you already have the Library and Archive card?
The library card for the Library and Archive at Disseny Hub Barcelona is...
- Free
- Personal and non-transferable*
Essential for enjoying...
We also offer...
- Specialized requests from our bibliographic reserves
- Access to the most recent magazine in the sector
- Bibliographic Information
- Internet. Wi-Fi
All you have to do is…
- Present yourself at the Library and Archive of the Museu del Disseny and fill out our registration form with your information...
- ... or fill up our online registration form that you will find at the bottom.
- Show us your DNI, passport, residence card or its equivalent.
Carnets with RFID Technology
- DHUBdoc is a pioneer in the the adoption and use of tools and technological resources such as the application of RFID (an identification system using radio frequency) to the library card.
- The card's chip only contains the user number, which is linked to our database. It does not contain any personal information.
* As staff at the Library and Archive we are in charge of collecting and processing our users’ data, which we do in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (GDPR). We likewise inform you, under Act 34/2002 of 11 July on the Information Society, that by filling out the “email” field you are authorising us to use this medium for initiating direct communications relating to the purposes stated above.
What are we using your data for?
We will process your data to perform a task carried out in the public interest: managing the library services associated with your card; loans, renewals, reservations and suggestion books and all the communications that arise from them. We will also send you communications from the Library and Archive and Museu del Disseny where you have activated your subscription through this form.
Who has access to your data?
Only the Library and Archive and Museu del Disseny have access to your data. Your data will not be shared with third parties or used for other purposes other than the ones stated, except where legally required.
What are your rights?
Your rights over your data include right to access, correct and/or delete them as well as challenge them and limit their processing. For further information on data processing and protection see