The exhibition concludes with a space that seeks to help visitors reflect on how professional designers perceive design themselves, and also by society in general. Two videos present different players in the creative and cultural spheres engaged in a free flow of ideas. The debate has a broad political focus and is structured around two ideas: how the profession itself talks about its values, and how society perceives and assesses the contributions of design. One of the videos features contributions of a range of people from outside the world of design, such as writer Mercedes Abad, journalist and author Joana Bonet, philosopher Juan Evaristo Valls, anthropologist Manuel Delgado, critic and curator Rosa Pera, and journalist and historian Lluís Permanyer. The second video puts the spotlight on designers themselves, represented by architect Oscar Tusquets, designer Ana Mir, self-styled ‘para-designer’ Òscar Guayabero, designer and businesswoman Nani Marquina, designer Marc Morro and journalist Anatxu Zabalbeascoa, who are joined by Johan Ejdemo and Eva Lilja Lówenhielm, IKEA’s global design directors.