ADI Awards 2024


This exhibition features the selected and winning products from the current edition, covering objects designed over the past two years, and encompasses three professional areas that complement each other: the Delta Awards recognise the work of designers and manufacturing companies; the ADI Medals in academia are awarded to young students’ senior or master’s theses, and the ADI Cultural Awards in the cultural sphere promote projects that have helped develop and modernise industrial design both socially and conceptually.

With the goal of celebrating objects as a tool for knowledge and philosophy as essential for good design, the exhibition is structured around a series of themes that link the objects to concepts, including gesture and mediation, worth, usefulness, identity, power, beauty, privilege, offering, vulnerability and hypocrisy. In this way, the exhibition goes from being a simple compilation and display of products, as in traditional exhibitions, to constructing a new narrative in terms of a discourse and a reflection on the objects that surround us in our daily lives.

The goal of the exhibition is to make the ADI Awards, which map out the state of design in our country, even more open and inclusive, showcasing for the public good practices in the profession and the industry through objects that add value for people while being mindful of the surrounding environment.


A committee of professional experts in the field of industrial design is in charge of selecting the products for the different categories that can be seen at the ADI Awards 2024 exhibition. Of all the projects submitted to the awards programme, approximately 150 are selected, and from this selection, an international panel chooses the winners.

Organized by ADI-FAD – Associació de Disseny Industrial




B floor


Free admission

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Ajuntament de Barcelona