The production of otherness


The exhibition "The Production of Otherness: An Archaeology of Standards" proposes an exercise of undoing history to allow us to move forward in contemporary terms, exploring through artistic practices and design critically decipher the production of standard as a naturalization process in the production of otherness, and in undoing the production of alterity, articulate possibilities of resilience.

As we trace the archaeology of an object, a narrative, a diet, any type of cultural ritual, a monument, a garment, a natural resource, a typography, a sound, a color, or an infrastructure, intricate stories emerge with a complete set of norms that have naturalized multiple processes of differentiation, segregation, hierarchization and the production of alterity. Whether through language and representation, gender or race categorizations, models of memory and historiographies, or even disciplinary definitions, the definition of "the normal" and with it everything that falls into "the other;" the construction of alterity is consolidated.

This exhibition proposes to dismantle through artistic, creative, and design practices the intricacies of the production of social norms, beliefs, or aesthetic imaginaries, and with them their implication in the production of otherness. 

Organitza: FAD - Foment de les Arts i del Disseny


Maite Borjabad




Tickets (included temporary exhibitions):
General: 6 €; Reduced: 4 €

Combined tickets (included permanents exhibitions + temporary exhibitions):
​General: 9 €; Reduced: 6 €


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