Permanent Exhibitions - Reduced tickets

Prices applicable to the permanent exhibitions of the Museu del Disseny
Reduced price (4,20 €)
With the pertinent accreditation:
Visitors between 16 and 29 years old
Visitors aged 65 and overReduced Targeta rosa (Pink Card)
Persons who are unemployed must present the document certifying the SOC
Single-parent family card
Large family card
Barcelona Card Express
Reduction for families: applicable to those adults who come accompanied by children under 16 years of age. It cannot be applied to more than two adults for each child, one of whom must be the father, mother or legal guardian.
Users of the Barcelona library network
Holders of the Documentation Center card
Reduced price (3,10 €)
With the pertinent accreditation:
Design school agreement reduction: applicable to students of design schools with an agreement with the Barcelona Design Museum.
Free admision
Sunday afternoons, from 3 to 8 pm, and the first Sunday of each month.
Open days: February 11 (Saint Eulàlia’s Day) and September 24 (La Mercè).
With the pertinent accreditation:
Minors under 16 years
Holders of the free Targeta Rosa “Pink Card” for senior citizens
Members of ICOM (International Council of Museums)
Members of the Association of Museologists of Catalonia
Professional tourist guides exercising their profession
Formal education teachers accredited by the management team at their centre of education
Formal education teachers accompanying groups of students
Holders of the metropolitan pass for carers of people with disabilities
Journalists, duly accredited
Holders of the Barcelona Card
Holders of the Gaudir Més