2025 DHUB’s programme

DHub proposes a programme for 2025 that includes ten exhibitions, around thirty talks and conferences, five workshops and courses, talent development programs, and educational and family activities. An ambitious program that reinforces the position of the venue as the nerve center of design and creativity in Barcelona.
Among the exhibition proposals, Matter Matters. Designing with the World stands out, a new permanent exhibition that revisits the Museu del Disseny's Collection from a material perspective. In spring, DHub will host Miguel Milá. (Pre-)industrial Designer, a retrospective exhibition on this important figure of national design, and How to Design a Revolution: The Chilean Road to Design, an exhibition on the role design played during Salvador Allende’s government. Another prominent figure from Barcelona, Colita, will be the focus in autumn with the exhibition Colita. Antifémina.
Throughout 2025, DHub will also host festivals such as OFFF, Llum, Art Photo BCN, Fixing the Future, and ADCE, as well as thought-provoking events like the DHub Marathon and Elisava Masters’ Talks. Once again, the venue will be the home of the Barcelona Design Week and the Setmana del Talent Audiovisual, and will promote talent development programs like Oh!pera: Microòperes de nova creació, Barcelona Fashion Forward, and Sustainable Challenge.