«Being based on stories, the possibilities of fashion films are infinite»

Last 5th of October, we hosted the Final Gala of the first edition of the Movistar Barcelona Fashion Film Festival. More than 300 people attended the event, where the 8 winners were announced from among the more than 150 candidates.

We are interviewing three of the professionals that made it possible: Eva Font, director of the festival; Alba Piris, sub-director and creative director; and Andrea López, head of production.


Fashion films are between advertisements and short films. Do you believe that the general public has already made this new cinematographic format their own?

We believe there is still a long way to go for fashion films to become 100% integrated into the panorama of the audiovisual and fashion world of today. It is the format that is still being experimented with a lot.

Big fashion brands have used fashion films in the past. Is there still a long way to go?

A very long way! The fashion film world, being based on stories, can have an infinite amount of forms. Like with cinema, there are thousands of genres to be explored.

The first edition of the MOVISTAR BARCELONA FASHION FILM FESTIVAL was a complete success, but we are sure that it hasn’t been easy. Where did the idea come from?

It came from seeing, after the 080 edition in 2015, that fashion films were starting to have a lot of power. It was at that time when, right at the time that we had to select a subject for the final career project, we realized that there wasn’t any festival in Barcelona. Why not try it?

New York, Milan, Madrid or Berlin. Which festival inspired you the most?

From an aesthetic/visual point-of-view, no doubt, the Berlin festival. From an organisational point-of-view, the one in Madrid.

The fashion films list has expanded with creations such as “Benidorm”, “Georgetown Optician The Eye Ball” or “My Ideal Brothers”, the finalists of the Festival. Which would you choose?

We don’t like to “dive” into this, since for us all participants without exception have been the reason why we are here now. Without them, none of this would have any meaning. Therefore, it would be better difficult for us to select one... indeed, the winners that have been selected by the deluxe committee and jury in this first edition are of very high quality.

In our country, we have a first-rate director, Víctor Claramunt, who has received many awards in Australia, Latin America and Europe. Does he receive more recognition outside our country than in it?

Yes. Nevertheless, the reason is only that fashion films are not a fully accepted format in our market like it is in other territories.

Is there any special project you have on the horizon after the Barcelona Festival?

The next goal is to carry out a second edition of the festival and improve and make the festival bigger. We have no doubt that this first edition at the Design Museum of Barcelona will be the first of many.

Ajuntament de Barcelona