Design can also be heard: six podcasts to discover

More than just recordings of radio programmes that can be listened to on demand, amateur (although made by passionate professionals) podcasts are an excellent platform for dissemination, debate and learning. And the world of design has not been left out of this phenomenon. We offer you a selection of inspirational "sound blogs" (the majority in English).

Redio Podcast

The RED Association (Reunión de empresas de diseño, Association of Spanish Design Companies) has a podcast about design on the SpainMedia Radio podcast network. They talk about all kinds of topics: furniture design, textiles, etc., and very often featuring prestigious guests.

OFN Podcast

With his podcast, the illustrator Andres Sanchís offers a more human vision and one closer to the world of design, far from "hipsterish" frivolity. As a curiosity, the cover for each edition has a different design (as if they were CD covers).

Design matters

In 2005, designer and teacher Debbie Millman started this pioneering podcast that has already broadcast more than 260 episodes. At the moment it is produced at the podcast studio of the School of Visual Arts in New York, where Millman runs a master's degree in branding and in which professionals from many disciplines participate.

The Poster Boys

Brandon Schaefer and Sam Smith are two renowned poster designers. Each episode of their podcast presents a selection of posters (particularly from the 80s and 90s) that allows you to take an exciting trip through graphic design linked to the film industry.

Obsessed with Design

In each programme, podcaster Josh Miles interviews designers, discussing all areas of design in order to find out what makes them unique. The goal is to seek inspiration and to discover the personal stories behind the great designers.

Adventures In Design

Broadcast from California, the podcast by designer Mark Bricke, brings you the stories of designers and illustrators from around the world every day from Monday to Friday.

Ajuntament de Barcelona