Gráffica Award 2018 for Laura Meseguer

This week, the Gráffica Awards 2018 were announced, the prestigious honours given to the most outstanding personalities of visual culture and creativity in Spain.

Among the winners was the typographic designer Laura Meseguer (Barcelona, 1968), who in 2009 was one of the curators of the exhibition "Helvètica. A new typography" at DHUB Montcada. You can also see some of her creations at the Museu del Disseny, such as Scenic Drive (1998) or Dos a dos (2002).

The jury of these prizes, awarded by the Grá digital publication, recognised Meseguer for "leading the way for the typographic world in Spain. When the digital universe was almost a dream in the 1990s, Laura chose to take that path and today has become a guiding light for the digital design of typographies".

Along with the other winners, Laura Meseguer will be presented with the award on 14th December, in Murcia, at the 9th edition of the Gráffica Awards ceremony.


Ajuntament de Barcelona