Our ceramics travel to UNESCO

On the occasion of the Symposium de la Célébration Picasso, held in Paris on December 7 and 8, Isabel Fernández del Moral, curator of the Ceramics Collection, and Isabel Cendoya, curator of the Graphic Arts and Graphic Design Collection, presented the project "The Will of Picasso. The ceramics that inspired the artist", which they both curated and which could be seen at the DHub from June 20 to September 17, 2023. As part of the session dedicated to the study of materials, and more specifically his work in ceramics, they spoke of the Malaga artist's donation in 1957 to the Barcelona Art Museums and how the exhibition held that year in Cannes had favored the artist's contact with the best of the ceramic collections that were then kept in the city of Barcelona, and currently at the DHub.

 The symposium, held as the closing event of the Picasso Year at the headquarters of Unesco, was attended by various international institutions that have been part of the exhibition program of the Célébration Picasso. It has been an opportunity to present the ceramic collections of our institution and to talk with experts and renowned scholars of Picasso's work about the relationship of the artist from Malaga with the tradition and art of his predecessors.

Ajuntament de Barcelona