Virtual fashion is on trend

Nowadays, to reach everyone, it isn’t enough just to put on a show or present a new piece in public. On-line channels and the various web platforms that have been created in recent years allow one to search and find fashion design elements from around the world and from all periods and cultures. We present three platforms that have made fashion a leitmotiv of their virtual spaces.

We wear culture

Google has created one of the most ambitious projects. And in recent times, through the Google Arts & Culture platform, the technological giant has become increasingly committed to culture. One of their first transversal projects has been to showcase the history of world clothing through the design, clothing, ethnology and decorative arts collections of museums. We wear culture has given visibility to exhibitions and pieces from the fashion collection of the Museu del Disseny.

Fashion Europeana

This is one of the branches of the European collaborative project, Europeana. Unlike Google Arts & Culture, Fashion Europeana also shows drawings, sketches, audiovisual content, catalogues and photographs from museums and archives all over Europe. You can search by designer, material or by thematic exhibitions, such as «Past to present. Fashion reinterpretations».  And all under the Creative Commons license!

Virtual Museum of Fashion

This Thursday, 15th March, a new online experience was presented at the Museu del Disseny: the Virtual Museum of Fashion. This time, the reach of the platform focuses on giving visibility to all those pieces of clothing in Catalan museums that are practically invisible and to bring them together in the same space. More than 6,000 pieces can be seen at


If you haven’t had enough of these three platforms, you can always take a stroll through the online collections of our fashion design, historical clothing and fashion photography.

Ajuntament de Barcelona