We are joining in with the Festa Major of El Clot - Camp de l'Arpa by organising two children's workshops and an open-doors event on Sunday

Starting last Saturday, 3rd November and running until 19th November, the Festa Major of the El Clot and Camp de l'Arpa neighbourhoods in Barcelona is being held. And we at the Museu del Disseny, as usual involved with everything happening around us, are taking an active part.

Together with the El Clot - Josep Benet Library, with whom we share a building, and in collaboration with Coco Books we have organised two workshops for families with children aged 5 and above.

In the first workshop, "Animalfabet", we’ll be constructing letters by combining origami, animals and the alphabet. It will take place this afternoon at 5.30 pm.

In the second workshop, "Design", taking place next Thursday, 8th November, at the same time, we will construct household objects that the participating children can take home.

The two activities last for an hour and are free, but places are limited and you are recommended to book your place by sending an e-mail to b.barcelona.jb@diba.cat or by calling the El Clot - Josep Benet Library (933 095 199).

Similarly, next Sunday, 11th November, as part of the Festa Major celebrations in the neighbourhood, it will be possible to visit the permanent exhibitions of the Museu del Disseny for free.


Ajuntament de Barcelona