We are starting a new reading club themed around everyday objects
Objects, everyday life and the domestic space are given centre stage as the theme of the reading club which, for the second year in a row, we at the Museu del Disseny have organised jointly with the Clot-Josep Benet Library (with whom we share the building).
Inspired by the exhibition “From the World to the Museum. Product Design, Cultural Heritage.” this year we have planned a total of eight sessions, which will take place in the library on the fourth Wednesday of each month, starting today and continuing until 22th May, 2019.
The aim of the proposed readings is to get participants to go beyond the origins of everyday objects and reflect on the feelings they produce in us and how they have changed our everyday life.
The reading club, which is free and will be led by Clara Grífol García, cultural curator and associate of La caníbal SCCL, in collaboration with Editorial Anagrama.
If you are interested in taking part, you’ll find more information on our website. Places are limited.