Posters. Collection at the Gabinet de les Arts Gràfiques.


Posters. The Collection at the Gabinet de les Arts Gràfiques includes 146 posters diplayed in two distinct galleries. The first organizes posters in a historical context that brings together Spanish graphic designs from 1880 until 1980. The second space is organized thematically, and includes posters created by the youngest designers of the 1960's  and organized according to their function, characteristics, genres, elements (colour), components (typography, photography, illustration) and formats.

When deciding which posters would become part of this study gallery, the curator Raquel Pelta (of the Foundation for the History of Design), took into account the value of the work from a graphic design perspective: the value of the elements of the whole, the innovative character in regards to the moment in which it was created and the balance between form and function.  


Raquel Pelta, amb la col·laboració d’Anna Calvera



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