
The center has more than 100 magazine subscriptions. All of them are available in the reading room and the library users who have a library card can borrow the most recent issues excepting the current edition.

Magazines subscribed

  • 032c
  • A Magazine
  • Adbusters : journal of the mental enviroment
  • Apollo : the magazine of the arts
  • Arquitectura y diseño
  • Cabana
  • Coup de fouet : revista de la Ruta Europea del Modernisme = Art Nouveau European Route magazine
  • Dazed & confused
  • Diferents : revista de museus
  • Dirty Furniture
  • Disegno
  • Diseño Interior
  • Distrito hotel : revista semestral de diseño de espacios hoteleros, tendencias y experiencia de huésped
  • Distrito Oficina
  • Dream Magazine
  • DXI magazine . Cultura & Post-diseño
  • Elephant
  • Elisava TdD
  • Gràffica
  • Grafikmagazin
  • IdN
  • Inmaterial : diseño, arte y sociedad
  • Innovation : the quarterly journal of the Industrial Designers Society of America
  • Interactiva
  • IPMark
  • Kinfolk
  • Lightecture
  • New Design
  • Newsletter : the Furniture History Society
  • Nomad : the magazine for new design culture, business affairs and contemporary lifestyle
  • Numéro
  • Office et culture : le magazine de l'aménagement de l'espace de travail
  • on diseño
  • Openhouse
  • Plot
  • Progetto grafico : periodico dell'AIAP
  • Proyecta 56
  • Raddar : revue annuelle de design = design annual review
  • Room : diseño + arquitectura + creación contemporánea
  • S moda
  • Scenario Magazine
  • Textile view
  • The Plant journal
  • Theknos : publicació de l'Associació d'Enginyers Tècnics Industrials de Catalunya
  • Touchpoint. The Journal of Service Design
  • Uppercase
  • V&A Magazine
  • View 2
  • Viewpoint Colour
  • Woth
  • Yorokobu

Latest issues received

Ajuntament de Barcelona