Guided tour of the Museum-Apartment at the Casa Bloc, Dwelling 1/11

Guided tours
Supported by: 


The Disseny Hub Barcelona organizes guided tours of one of the apartments of the Casa Bloc, one of the most outstanding examples of rationalist architecture in Barcelona.

C. de l’Almirall Pròixida on  the corner with Passeig de Torras i Bages (Barri de Sant Andreu, Barcelona)

Saturdays at 11 a.m.
Dates and times off group visits by appointment only.
Closed: January 1, May 1, June 24 and December 25 and 28,  July, August and first two weekends of September

1 hour 30 minutes.

Language of visits:
Catalan, Spanish (last Saturday of the month)

Individual visit: €5 per person
Tickets by Internet:  TICKETS
Group visit: €75 per group. Booking required (minimum fifteen days in advance). Groups up to 15 people

Information and reservation:
T. +34 93 2566801 (Tue to Fri, from 10 am to 1 pm, and Thu from 3 to 5.30 pm)

Only the ground floor of the duplex is wheelchair accessible.

La Casa Bloc, 10 anys després de la restauració

Entrevista a Rossend Casanova al programa ‘Perspectiva’, de Catalunya Ràdio, emès el dilluns 15 de novembre de 2021.

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Ajuntament de Barcelona