Success of the most international BDW

One week, 120 activities and 20,000 participants later, the Barcelona Design Week 2017 has closed its doors. The event has surpassed the figures from previous years, increasing the number of international participants, coming from 67 different countries, by almost a quarter. But what ideas have been highlighted during the event?  Let us give you a summary.

During the BDW Congress the need to combine different disciplines was highlighted in order to take on and deal with future challenges, such as biology or technology. Within these challenges, there are designers who will have a lot to say as "creators, guides and integrators" of social transformation and sustainability tailored to the various users.

This social aspect has been reflected in the inaugural conference linked to creative development in Africa, the Homeless Fonts workshop from the Arrels Foundation or the exhibition “Krea. Different views of creative processes”  of people with a disability, who are homeless or in a situation of social exclusion, and which can be seen at the Museu del Disseny until 31st August.

A great innovation: the Talent Show directed by designer Òscar Guayabero, presented the various transformative projects created by young design talents in Barcelona. An example of the social nature has been the graphical campaign for World Refugee Day in Barcelona presented by students of the IED (European Institute of Design) Barcelona.

And one last note for the future: the Barcelona Design Week 2018 will take place from 7th to 14th June. What does the 13th edition have in store?

Ajuntament de Barcelona