4 pieces of unmissable graphic design at the museum

There are just a few weeks left before the Museum’s permanent exhibition space, showing «Graphic Design: from trade to profession (1940-1980)», closes temporarily in order to finish the exhibition scheme and objects to be shown in the space from June. Meanwhile, here is a selection of four graphic design pieces to surprise you and which can be viewed up until 2nd April!

Bringing colour to the kitchen

The tins designed by Josep Baqués brought colour and joy to many kitchens in the nineteen-seventies. You will find these and other examples where various brand names used tins like this for their packaging.

From Capdevila Soap...

At the end of the 19th century, advertising as we understand it today was born. But many values and ideas remain forever tied to each historical moment. This is demonstrated by the  Capdevila Soap poster and its reference to skin colour. It ran during the toughest period of the Franquist dictatorship (the nineteen-fifties), when Spain’s African colonies were at the forefront in the minds of many citizens.

...to La Lechera and Nescafé

Things changed in only a decade, and this is ably demonstrated by the advertising poster for La Lechera and Nescafé (1962) designed by Josep Pla-Narbona. The colours, composition and message have changed, thanks to the major social changes of the time: the Nova Cançó, the cultural and political movements, etc.

The Magi in 3D

It seems that the cardboard kings, designed in 1963 by Carlos Vives, were a great success! Or so it would seem from the 15,000 units that Editorial Niágara had printed for the first edition. Vives has a catalogue dedicated to his life as an illustrator, editor and illusionist: «Somnis de paper» (Dreams of Paper).

Discover these and many others by visiting the permanent, graphic design exhibition. We look forward to seeing you!

Ajuntament de Barcelona