Sculptural group St. Jordi, the Dragon and the Princess

Although little known among us, the sculptural group of St. Jordi, the Dragon and the Princess is a work of goldsmithing of great relevance for its technique and preciousness. It shows the figure of St. Jordi on horseback at the exact moment when he is about to thrust a lance at the terrifying dragon that, with its jaw open, exhibits its threatening fangs. On the opposite side of the monster appears the Princess who, with an anguished and horrified expression, does not dare to look at the scene. The set rises from a platform supported by four cherubs.

The work was executed in gilded bronze and chiseled silver by the Neapolitan goldsmith Lorenzo Vaccaro (1655-1706), whose works are mainly found in Italy. The chromatic contrast of the metals used to execute the work gives it a special beauty and is a clear example of the creativity and perfectionism of the Neapolitan Baroque.

Ajuntament de Barcelona