From World to Museum. Product Design, Cultural Heritage


In almost everything we do throughout the day, we use one or more objects. If we want to sit down, we use a chair; to do laundry, we use a washing machine; to see each other, we turn on lights… These objects, which have a host of different designs and purposes, accompany us throughout our lives and show us how just as the world changes, so do objects. 

How is it, then, that certain objects come to be part of the Museum’s collection but not others? Each of the pieces on display is considered a representative sample of the design of its time, of the different material and technical contributions proposed by their designers, as well as of their sociocultural resonance.

Product design is one of our great forms of cultural heritage. After all, when we set our sights on Barcelona or Catalonia, now or a few years from now, we will only be able to understand how we lived if we know what objects we had by our sides, and some of them are now part of the Museum’s collection.


Col·lecció de Disseny de producte


Pilar Vélez, Teresa Bastardes, Rossend Casanova

Number of pieces



550 m2


1st floor


General admission: €6
Reduced admission: €4




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Exhibition fields

  • Reference

    Some objects stand out because of their meaning, while others leap out because of their historical or sociocultural importance.

  • Materiality

    Materials and techniques are the basic elements with which designers develop their projects.

  • Context

    When society accepts objects, they often survive on the market.

  • El disseny a la ciutat

    Aquest àmbit de l’exposició convida al visitant a explorar la ciutat amb una mirada centrada en els valors de disseny del objectes del nostre entorn urbà

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Ajuntament de Barcelona